Tips In Selecting Food For Your Bearded Dragons

Tips In Selecting Food For Your Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons are omnivore that is they require an optimized diet of meat and vegetables. Baby bearded dragons diet plan will mostly be protein dependent. The juvenile dragons eat mainly insects and as they get older other food like vegetables can be integrated in their diet plan. The tips mentioned below will help you decide what to feed bearded dragons.

Processed food is available in pet stores but natural live food is more favorable. The beardie's diet should be a mixture of proteins and vegetables. Make a vegetable salad sliced up to portions no bigger than their head, which will be easier for them to eat.

Also have high calcium to phosphorous proportion in their diet. Shredded carrots and sweet potatoes blended with the green vegetables do usually attract them. A good idea is to move the vegetables with your finger somewhat as they prefer food that moves or seem alive. Young dragons should be nourished 2 to 3 times each day.

Bearded dragons will usually consume a lot of bugs and insects and when they are bigger in size they will also eat small mice. Crickets, king worms, meals worms, wax worms, earth worms, cockroaches as well as other bugs that are available fit well into their diet. Feed them protein several times each week.

Food item size is important as you will have to feed your young dragon with a small meal worm and adult dragon with a super worm. Again select cricket sizes for your different sized dragons. If in doubt, get the pet shop owner's advice.

Before giving the insects to the dragons feed the insects first, 'gut load' them with ground vegetables etc. The insects, most commonly crickets and worms, can be acquired from pet shops or you can breed your own. Fireflies are poisonous and are not recommended to be given to the dragons.

Alternate the bearded dragon's diet with protein and vegetables each and every other day for a healthy food balance. Also add calcium powder, mix it with their veggies and crickets when feeding. Supplement their food plan with multivitamins once a week.

Bearded dragons are attracted to live target than to motionless food product as described earlier so adding small worms in their salad is going to make them gulp the greens with it.

Bearded dragons do not drink much water on their own, so you can teach them how to drink by tricking them. One secret is to splatter the water within the bowl lightly so they will see the water stirring. Another trick is to spray water from a spray bottle to the wall of the container glass and as the water runs down they just might make an effort to drink it. Also spray a mist on their head & body.

You will notice that adult dragons will eat more veggies, which is more desirable, giving them the essential calcium and moisture. So reduce the protein in your diet as the beardies age.

A good well balanced diet will keep your dragons healthy and minimize infections and diseases.


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