4 Reasons Why You Should Be Supplementing With Vitamin B2

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Supplementing With Vitamin B2
Have you ever considered supplementing your diet with riboflavin, commonly referred to as vitamin B2? Well if having an endless supply of energy sounds good to you, then perhaps you you should start.

The cells of your body need riboflavin in order to create energy which is why it is important that you are getting enough of this crucial member of the vitamin B family. Besides providing energy, riboflavin as many other benefits. This vitamin spends most of its time teaming up with the other vitamins (especially niacin and pyridoxine) in order to keep your body running smoothly - your immune system in particular.

Riboflavin's role inside your body

Most people think that they get their energy from the foods they eat. This in part is correct, however, these foods (protein, carbs, & fats) only release energy by two key enzymes. And guess what produces these enzymes? Riboflavin, of course! In other words, without riboflavin, a human being would not survive!

Here is another list of key roles that riboflavin plays:

1. Whenever a cold or flu sets in, perhaps you should look for vitamin B2 on the shelves along with your vitamin C. Riboflavin helps guard against germs by creating anti-bodies that will help fight them off. It makes a great one-two-punch to help get that immune system up and running in good health.

2. Riboflavin is important to your immune system because it helps keep the mucous membranes that lineup your digestive system in good shape. There is an old saying that the secret to a long healthy life is by having a clean digestive system and intestinal tract. Well if riboflavin can work hard to keep this area in top shape then it should be at the top of the list for supplementation.

3. Riboflavin has also been shown to help increase memory. It is important to note here that this has not been proven to be conclusive. However, test subjects that involve men and women over the age of 50 are showing improvements in memory when given extra vitamin B2.

4. Last but not least, riboflavin helps keep your skin, eyes, nails, and hair in good health. Nothing more needs to be said about how important it is to keep these body parts in top shape. You will look better and feel better, and any vitamin or mineral that helps increase the longevity of the skin (which is the body's largest organ) should be attractive to all health-conscience individuals.


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